This is another attempt of making a very simple version of my card based tower defense-like-ish game. My original idea can still be played here:  Card Tower

 This is a stream lined and stripped down version of my other prototype to reevaluate if this idea would be a good full game candidate. 

Please let me know how you like the concept in the comments.

How to Play

You command your team of 3 heroes to defend against incoming monster waves on 3 lanes. Use item cards and collect treasures to aid your defense.


  • Use drag and drop (left & right) to switch your heroes' positions in the 3 hero spaces.
  • Use drag up to attack (if possible) or to activate an equipped item card.
  • Use drag down to wait (exhaust) for one turn.

Note: After a hero takes an action (up/down), they can't be moved until the next turn.

The Game Field

  • Cards in the game field can also be moved. Drag and drop cards into another free lane.
  • After moving a monster, it will not be movable again in the same turn.
  • A newly uncovered (flipped) card will not be movable in the same turn it is discovered.
  • Newly uncovered Monster cards will have a 1-turn attack delay, even if they move down.
  • When an item card reaches the bottom position, you can drag and drop it onto a free hero, equipping it. Items can be moved between heroes, even if they are exhausted. An equipped item can be used by dragging it up.
  • After your turn ends (when you've exhausted all 3 heroes/items), all game field cards move 0 or 1 space towards your heroes, based on the arrows displayed below each lane.
  • If a card can't move down further, it will be destroyed. Item cards will score 1 gold. Monsters will attack one last time.


  • When the game field cards move, monsters will attack each time they move, but only if they are the lowest card and are not newly discovered.
  • You can block monster attacks by stacking item cards on top of them. When a blocked monster moves, it attacks the card on top and "tears" it. An already torn card can't block again.
  • If you have a card equipped and a monster attacks, you don't take damage, but your equipped card will "tear". An already torn equipped card will not block damage.


  • You score points by defeating monsters. Their score is equal to their (Skull Icon) value.
  • You can also score extra points by activating Treasure cards or destroying item cards (+1 point each).


  • Monster - Deals damage to your heroes.
  • Sword - Equip and use to deal damage.
  • Shield - Equip and use to decrease incoming damage.
  • Potion - Equip and use to increase your health.
  • Treasure - Equip and use to increase your score.

Game End

  • If your health drops to 0, you lose.
  • If you clear out all Monster cards, you win.

Updated 21 days ago
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreCard Game


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good prototype game

Thanks! ðŸ¤“